"PACK-TRADE" company invites you to visit the seminar "Composting. Equipment and technologies. Integrated solutions for the processing of animal and plant waste ", that will take place on June 24 at the enterprise LLC AF" KOLOS" in Pustovarivka village (Kiev region, Skvyrskyi district). Speeches of industry leaders, demonstration of compost and equipment, bufett-lunch – all this will be waiting for you at the XXII practical seminar.
Theoretical part
Technologies that normalize the soil condition and reduce the chemical loading. Composting technology of plant and animal wastes (Leonid Tsentylo, AF Kolos General Manager).
Organic waste management. Composting. Equipment and technology (Yan Bondarenko, "PACK-TRADE").
Practical experience of introduction the composting technologies (Serhii Petryk, technologist, Kolos AF).
Composting of manure and animal droppings by work teams. Professional composting equipment (Serhii Prokopenko, Project Manager, OPE Organic).
Practical part
Demonstration of compost made from various types of organic waste: cattle manure, straw, sapropel, chicken droppings, etc.
Demonstration of self-propelled aerators BACKHUS (Germany)
Demonstration of trailed compost turners
A.TOM PT-170 (Ukraine)
A.TOM 3300 (Ukraine)
Menart (Belgium)
LLC AF "KOLOS" Kiev region, Skvyrskyi district, Pustovarivka village
Registration - 9:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m
Beginning - 10:00