On June 24, on the basis of LLC Agricultural enterprise Kolos (Pustovarivka village, Skvyrskyi district, Kiev region), was held practical seminar on the topic “Composting. Equipment and technology. Integrated solutions for the processing of animal and plant waste.” The event was attended by more than 65 participants, representatives of agricultural enterprises from all over Ukraine. The headliners of the seminar were representatives of AF Kolos, PACK-TRADE company and OPE Organic project.
Theoretical part of the seminar was presented by the general manager of AF Kolos Leonid Tsentylo with a presentation entitled “Technologies that normalize the condition of the soil and decrease the chemical loading. Composting technology of plant and animal waste. ” The head of the enterprise presented the results of scientific, practical and experimental activities of the enterprise, highlighted advanced directions for improving composting technologies. Serhii Petryk, technologist of AF Kolos LLC, supplemented the presentation with practical conclusions on the implementation of composting technologies.
Representative of PACK-TRADE company Yan Bondarenko in his speech highlighted the topic of effective management of organic waste in the context of application the advanced composting technologies. The speaker presented the achievements of PACK-TRADE company in the implementation of modern methods of processing waste of various origins.
Theoretical part of the seminar was concluded by the head of OPE Organic project Serhii Prokopenko. A company representative presented the technology of composting manure and litter by attracting professional work teams.
The practical part of the seminar included a demonstration of environmentally friendly composts made from various types of organic waste: cattle manure, straw, sapropel, chicken droppings, etc. The leading samples of agricultural machinery of Zhytomyr production were presented in two locations under the trademark A.TOM: compost turners A.TOM PT-170 and A.TOM 3300. Also, "PACK-TRADE" company demonstrated the capabilities of Belgian turner Menart and BACKHUS self-propelled turner.
Seminar became a platform for discussions aimed at the generation and implementation of unique technologies for soil biologization. Such measures are increasingly attracting the attention of agricultural sector representatives to the problem of maintaining soil fertility, solving social and economic issues globally related to the theory and practice of composting based on domestic and world experience.